National Team Athlete Victor Tremblay Withdrawn from World Qualifier 2



**National Team Athlete Withdrawn from World Qualifier 2 Due to Weight Concerns**


[Bangkok, May 26th, 2024] – 


Boxing Canada announces the withdrawal of Victor Tremblay, a prominent member of the team, from the upcoming World Qualifier 2. This difficult decision was made in consultation with the coaching staff due to concerns regarding weight management reasons.


Understanding the paramount importance of safety in the sport of boxing, both the coaching staff and the athlete mutually agreed that withdrawing from the competition was the most responsible course of action.


“Victor has demonstrated incredible dedication and commitment to representing our nation on the international stage,” stated Samir, national team coach of Boxing Canada. “However, ensuring the safety and well-being of our athletes always takes precedence. It was a tough decision, but ultimately, it was the right one.”


Although unable to compete in the World Qualifier 2, Victor will remain an integral part of the team, continuing to engage in training and sparring activities alongside his team and athletes from other nations. This opportunity to interact with peers from around the world will not only keep Victor sharp and focused but also contribute to the overall development of the team.


“I fully support the decision made by the coaching staff,” expressed Victor. “While I am disappointed that I won’t be able to compete, I understand the importance of maintaining my health and safety. I will continue to train hard and support my teammates in any way I can. I had a huge improvement during the camp and I was ready to show it on the world stage, but I will add this experience in my arsenal and the journey keeps going. I will keep my head up.”


Boxing Canada is confident that Victor will bounce back stronger from this setback and looks forward to his continued contributions to the team’s success in future competitions.



Posted on: May 26, 2024