IOC: New International Federation is needed for the Olympic Games LA 2028

The International Olympic Committee released a strong statement today about the future of Olympic Boxing.

“Boxing is not currently on the sports programme for the Olympic Games LA28. In order to remedy this, the IOC needs to have a partner IF for boxing by early 2025.”

“To keep boxing on the Olympic programme, the IOC needs a recognised and reliable IF as a partner, as with all the other Olympic sports.

The establishment of such a new federation, which respects the IOC conditions for recognition, is now in the hands of the National Boxing Federations and their National Olympic Committees (NOCs).  Every National Boxing Federation and NOC that wants its boxers to make their Olympic dreams a reality and win medals at Los Angeles 2028 will now have to take the necessary decisions. The NOCs and National Boxing Federations thus hold the future of Olympic boxing in their own hands, and the required actions cannot be clearer.”

Boxing Canada is proud to have already take this step in partnering with World Boxing as the only pathway to LA2028.




Posted on: May 28, 2024