Update on the Olympic weight box-offs at the Canada Cup
As stated in the Paris 2024 Olympics 2nd World Qualification Tournament Athlete Selection Procedure, box-off will be conducted at the March 20-24 Canada Cup in divisions where there were no athletes identified in the “Priority 1: World Qualifier #1 Top 8” or “Priority 2: Uncontested 2023 National Olympic Weight Category Results”.
The Priority 1 athletes identified at the 1st World Qualifier were:
- Female -54kg Scarlett Delgado
- Male +92kg Alexis Barriere
The Priority 2 athletes identified at the June 2023 Box-off and the December 2023 Team Trails were:
- Female -50kg Mckenzie Wright
- Female -57kg Marie Al-Ahmadieh
- Male -60 kg Justin Parina
- Male -57kg Victor Tremblay
- Male -71kg Junior Petanqui
- Male -80kg Keven Beausejour
- Male -92kg Bryan Colwell
These Priority 1 and Priority 2 results leave the follow weight categories as requiring for a box-off in Calgary:
- Female -60kg
- Female -66kg
These divisions were known to potentially require a box-off since December 2023 and communications to this affect shared widely.
Further to the information above, there are two additional updates:
- At the competition registration deadline, only one athlete was registered in the female -66kg division: Sara Kali. Sara will therefore be selected as the Canadian athlete representing Canada at the 2nd World Qualifier.
- On the morning of Monday, March 18th, Boxing Canada was informed that Alexis Barriere (Male +92kg) has pulled out of the 2nd World Qualifier. In light of this very recent development, Boxing Canada no longer has a World Qualifier #1 Top-8 athlete to select for World Qualifier #2 in +92kg. This means that, following the published athlete selection criteria, the Male +92kg athlete will be selected at the Calgary Cup box-off as shared prior to World Qualfier #1.
INP links
EN: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-sv6qm2jf5cBknCdRKRcPd-_tOGac1T5
FR: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1PwpAQsO74PHE8PyeiDZQjlPvtVh84E6c
Posted on: March 18, 2024