Your cannabis in sport resource kit is ready!

As we get closer to the legalization of cannabis in Canada, the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) would like to take this opportunity to remind the sport community that cannabis will remain prohibited in sport, no matter its legal status in Canada.
The CCES offers several resources to help athletes and support personnel navigate cannabis legalization. The Cannabis in Sport Education Kit is available for coaches, administrators, teachers, and others to download. The kit contains materials to help leaders deliver the message about cannabis in sport to athletes and support personnel. To download the kit and access a quiz, FAQ, resources, and more, visit
Whatβs in this kit?
- An introduction with background about cannabis in sport, prohibition, and pending legalization
- A guide for how your organization can use and repurpose the content in the kit for more impact.
- A summary of the CCESβs key messages around cannabis in sport.
- An FAQ about prohibition in sport, status, legalization, violations, and more.
- A slide deck with speaking notes (also available as a Powerpoint download on the website)
- A short quiz about cannabis in sport, including an answer key and additional notes.
Do not hesitate to contact [email protected] with any questions or concerns.