Boxing Canada is looking for coaches to travel with our Youth National Team for a competition and training camp in Hungary

Boxing Canada is looking for coaches to travel with our Youth National Team for a competition and training camp in Eger, Hungary.
The events will take place June 9th to June 25th.
Be certified at least 1-star AIBA
Be certified level Competition Development or equivalent in the NCCP program
Be a current member of the professional coaching program of the Coaching Association of Canada
Have a valid Canadian travelling passport
Be available for the entire duration of the event (according to the dates above)
Must speak English or French
All application will be reviewed and candidates who meet the requirements will be ranked based on the following criteria:
Current AIBA certification Level
Current NCCP certification level
Had coached a Canadian boxing team in an international competition or attended a Canadian training camp
Personal coach of an athlete on the National Team within the last two years
To apply, coaches must electronically complete the mandatory application form and must send it duly completed to Andréane Bélanger at [email protected]
Coaches have until Tuesday, May 28th by 4 pm Eastern Time to apply.
Only coaches meeting requirements will be reviewed. Please note that these positions will not be remunerated.
Posted on: May 21, 2019